Is Milk really Healthy For Us?

Everyone says milk is good for any diet plan. Is milk really all that necessary for a good diet plan? Do we really need to have milk everyday to get a sufficient amount of vitamin D? the answer to these questions is no. we don’t need milk to obtain our vitamin D.

Consider the following facts my friend:

1.) Americans have the highest rate of osteoporosis, but we drink the most milk.

2.) Lactose better known as milk sugar which converts into sugar duh, leading to blood sugar highs and lows sending you on an energy rollercoaster as you can imagine.

3.) The process of pasteurization makes 30% of the milk we drink unusable by our bodies.

4.) Pasteurization can kill off the digestive enzymes in your milk which will cause you to suffer from lactose intolerance.You must be wondering how all this is true. isn’t this milk supposed to do our bodies good? Well I’m not saying that it doesn’t. BUT milk was only supposed to be consumed in its natural form you know? Unpasterized. Many organic farmers only drink milk in its unpasterized form and they are extremely healthy.

The other fact you need to consider is cows are given growth hormones to produce massive amounts of milk that you drink. So in the process they get sick then they need antibiotics. The antibiotics and growth hormones get in the blood stream, and then in the milk. Who consumes this milk? We do of course.

Your other concern is probably how do you get enough milk? As mentioned previously most calcium does not get absorbed by the body. You will absorb more calcium from foods such as broccoli, green leafy vegetables, salmon, and sardines. It makes since that calcium would come from greens since cows eat grass. Please don’t start eating grass though this only will work for those cows.

If reducing your risk for Osteoporosis is your goal, do the #1 activity that prevents this debilitating disease: Exercise! Weight bearing exercise has been shown to be the #1 way to prevent osteoporosis. Putting small stresses on your bones via strength training helps to re-build them stronger. No one, and I mean no one, should be neglecting some exercise into their life.

Here are my tips on drinking the right kind of milk, calcium and preventing osteoporosis:

1. If you consume dairy on a regular basis, try to find raw (unpasteurized) milk. is a great resource for this.

2. If the thought of raw milk scares you, purchase the next best thing: certified organic milk products. They will be free of antibiotics and hormones.

3. Since most of milk’s calcium is not absorbed by the body, make sure to get your calcium from these other sources: leafy green veggies, broccoli, sardines (with bones) and salmon.

4. Commit to a strength training routine on a consistent basis. Not just for your muscles and for the way you look in the mirror (although this does help) but for your bone’s sake.

Milk and dairy do not have to be a staple in your diet in order to absorb adequate amounts of calcium and achieve an ideal level of health. You can establish and extremely healthy way of eating, reach your weight loss goals, and feel great each day without drinking milk.

To get started on your own Heatlhy Meal Plans right away, read this eye opening Fat Loss Report.

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