You’ve lost the Weight, but how clean are you on the inside where it Counts?

In today's age and world, being slim, shapely, possessing ripped abdominal muscles and toned arms seems to be the aim of a vast majority of the people you see spending tons of hours working out at gyms.

These same people spend loads of money on the new weight-loss pill or supplement guaranteed to 'make you eat less and increase your metabolism...' and in spite of whatever side effects the product may contain, the average Joe, still thinks this quick fix will be worth the risk.

In truth, some of these people have luck with these efforts, and yes they possess the ever so ripped and toned muscles we as a society admire so much. However, the fact that needs to be accepted and pondered upon thoroughly is: 'Whatever is not built on a proper foundation will eventually crumble!'

Most fitness experts and bodybuilders atrophy and wear down prematurely as sooner or later, these muscles 'blown up' with unnatural substances have a tendency to pretty much deflate. Moreover, 'ripped' muscles and supposed 'feats' of strength DO NOT depict proper and optimal health.

There is a saying that is known to every culture which goes:” you are what you eat...” What you eat plays arguably the most important role on your overall health and fitness, thus PROPER DIET should be the most important factor of any and every health seeker.

What then should one eat? In a nut-shell: yes as boring as it may sound- Fruits and Vegetables.
These substances possess the abilities to not only provide the necessary fuel needed for day to day activities, but play important and vital roles in

1. Providing the alkaline reserves in the body for balancing chemical metabolism within.

2. Cleansing the digestive and excretory tract as they act as the much needed intestinal broom to sweep these 'pipes' (as you may call them) clean to function properly in their duties of nourishing and cleansing the body.

3. Keeping the body fit, trim and in shape WITHOUT the unwanted side effects of toxic and artificial substances such as pills and supplements. Sure, it is a great feeling to be able to see the awesome cuts in your 'abs' and arms when you look in the mirror, but feeling good on the inside as well and knowing that you are thoroughly cleansed internally should be of just as much importance as 'getting ripped'.

As I stated in one of my previous articles, a quick and sure-fire method of attaining internal cleanliness and the added bonus of healthy weight-loss will be to undergo a fast.

There are several methods of this tried and true method of healing and although it is covered to a degree in the free resources section of my website, you can always do some research on this radical; yet extremely effective method of internal purification and weight loss.

In conclusion, the cleaner you are on the inside and the freer you are of toxicity the quicker you can and will attain your goal of being in shape.

Learn More Tips In The Diet Solution Program.

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #1: Lose Weight to Fight Osteoporosis

It is a well known fact that exercise and weight loss make you both look and feel better. Another bit of common knowledge is that to lose weight, control your diet, and exercise regularly gives you a healthier heart.

In addition to the previously mentioned benefits of proper diet and exercise are several other very specific health benefits of having a regular exercise and weight loss program.

One additional health benefits of exercise and weight loss activities is guarding against osteoporosis, the disease that makes the bones weak and brittle with age.

Weight-bearing activities like walking, elliptical machine, and jogging, have been shown to strengthen the skeletal system and lower the risk of the development of this very debilitating disease.

The primary reason for this is that exercises that force the body to bear weight make the bones more dense over time as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle, in which the bones get weaker and more brittle due to a lack of force placed against them.

In women in particular, the low estrogen levels that often accompany menopause and/or very sporadic menstruation make the problem even worse as the bones lose a lot of their mineral content and weaken accordingly.

In addition, such activities that many take part in to either lose weight or maintain an already healthy body composition have also been shown to aid in preventing further development of the disease for those who have already been diagnosed and have received clearance from their doctor.

Learn More Of These Tips From Isabel De Los Rios In The Diet Solution Program.

Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Now

1. Only drink water as your beverage (with the occasional unsweetened tea or black coffee).

Eliminating all sugar drinks, “diet” drinks and sodas will automatically cause a dramatic weight loss. Studies have shown, when all else is kept constant, people lose up to 10lbs just by giving up diet coke. But it has no calories you say? Equal (Aspartame) and all other artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Sweet and Low are toxins to your body and cause weight gain, even more so than sugar!

Squeeze fresh lemon in your water or make flavored herbal teas and cool them to make ice tea to make water drinking much easier. Always consume ½ of your body weight in ounces of water per day to experience adequate hydration and weight loss (ex. If you weigh 150lbs, you must drink 75 ounces of water each day).

2. Eliminate the 4 white devils

White Flour, Refined Salt, White Sugar, and Dairy. If you just stay away from these 4 things, you will automatically see a drastic drop in weight and will instantly feel more energetic throughout the day. Most people are well aware of the harmful effects of flour, refined salt and sugar but dairy? Doesn’t it do a body good? Definitely not! Dairy is one of the number 1 reasons people have such a hard time losing weight. It causes inflammation in the body, digestive problems, clogged arteries, and weight gain. Get your calcium from leafy greens and avoid dairy at all costs. When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy. The results are miraculous! Chronically sick kids are now automatically better. And those who have had such a hard time losing weight experience automatic weight loss without dairy.

3. Know exactly where to find the healthy food!

It is honestly just as easy to run in to the local supermarket and get a bag of carrots and some almonds as it is to run into a Quickie-Mart and buy some harmful processed food. You can go absolutely anywhere now and find healthy meal options but you must know what you are looking for. Stay away from most packaged foods as the label indicates more of a science experiment than anything that would be close to food. No one needs all of those toxins in their body. Labels should have 2 – 3 items, at most. And the best foods don’t have labels.

Don’t let time be your excuse. If you stop to eat 2-3 times per day and snack in between it is just as easy to find something healthy as it is to find something harmful. Don’t let your body come to a shrieking halt before you decide to do anything about your weight and your health. You know what will be a huge impediment on your time? If you or a family member becomes ill due to poor nutrition and lifestyle habits. So tackle the problem now before it really does begin to affect your time and your life! You can replace cars, homes and all material items, but you only get one body! Take good care of it.

Be well on your way to achieving your own Fat Loss and Health Goals with these Simple and Easy Fat Burning Meal Plans.

Healthy Eating On A Budget

Contrary to popular belief, healthy eating does not have to inflict damage to your wallet. In challenging economic times, many people tend to go for the “cheapest” food options and sometimes these options are far from healthy.

Just recently my husband and I put ourselves on a serious “budget” and of course this meant a “food budget” as well.

Below are the simple steps we took to continue to live our healthy lifestyle while saving a few dollars in the process.

1. We drastically cut out eating out. It’s shocking to discover how much you are really spending by buying a quick pizza and ordering quick take out every once in a while. What we often don’t realize is that every once in a while is much more often than we think. We are now cooking at home a lot more and discovering quick, easy and delicious recipes that cost very little when made at home. Now we are no chefs by any means but it’s amazing what you can put together in 20 minutes or less by just getting a bit creative and seeking out new recipes.

2. My husband is now packing his lunch. Truth be told, I pack it for him. I often take leftovers from the night before and put them together in a salad or a sandwich. He was spending an average of $7-$10 each day on lunch and taking his lunch instead will save us over $280 a month.

3. Bargain shop. I have become a master of seeking out the sale. I know which grocery stores will put their fruits and vegetables on sale and where I can get the best bargains. If the weather permits, I always go to the local farmers markets to get fresh fruit and veggies. Not only will you save a ton of money at a farmers market, the produce is fresh and delicious.

4. We have learned to love and embrace leftovers. It is amazing what you can do with leftovers once you get a bit creative. Don’t let food go to waste. Use leftovers from the night before for lunch or re-heat for dinner.

5. Cut out the expensive junk food. It’s shocking how expensive cereal, crackers and packaged snacks are. You can get 10x’s more for your money and value by buying plain oatmeal, making your own bread, and snacking on fresh fruit.

Healthy eating does not have to break the bank. Find good deals, learn to embrace cooking and discover the power of the leftover and you will be well on your way to a healthy, cost effective eating plan.

Get started on your own Fat Loss and Healthy eating plan right away with these Simple and Healthy Meal Plans.

Do You Have a Mint?

Bad breath can be a big problem (especially if you’re the one smelling it!) It can cause embarassing moments and bad first impressions. That’s why so many people chew gum. In fact, according the US Census Bureau, Americans eat about 1.8 pounds of gum per capita each year. That may not sound like a lot but think about the size and weight of one piece of gum.

Gum chewing studies have shown many bad effects, such as bloating and hormone and biomechanical imbalances, as well as the habit leading to bruxism and acid reflux ulcers. Many have educated themselves and moved on to mints, but is this any better? After all, most mints are made with artificial sweeteners, so they can claim to be fat free or calorie free. I understand the necessity for fresh breath in a pinch. Most people don’t carry around their tooth brush or mouth wash for a quick refresh. That’s why I’ve come up with several good options, in order from best to worst:

1. Peppermint Breath Drops or Peppermint Essential Oils – Many natural health food stores and anyone who carries essential oils would have these. One drop is pretty strong and enough to freshen your breath. Peppermint is also great for digestion.

2. Mouthwash or teeth brushing after meals – I know this isn’t ideal but it is a good option if you have time.

3. Mints or candies that are sweetened with cane sugar instead of artificial sweeteners. There are even small ginger candies that are not only great breath fresheners but also help after meals with digestion.

4. Gums or mints sweetened with xylitol – This sweetener is a great calorie free option and many popular brands use this ingredient. Careful as some people have trouble digesting xylitol and can lead to stomach discomfort.

5. A piece of regular chewing gum sweetened with sugar. The caloric content many be a little higher, but you are only having a small bit. This is not ideal if you are trying to lose weight and plan on using this option on a daily basis.

And the last possible option is a small piece of artificially sweetened gum every now and then. Thamount in one piece every once in a while is not enough to amount to any dangerous affects.

Get started on your own personal fat burning meal plans right away with The Diet Solution Program.

How To Make Taco Seasoned Beef Low Carb Dinner

I know what it feels like to work a long day, walk into the house exhausted, only to have a bunch of starving eyes staring at you asking “What’s for dinner?” As much as I would like to just respond “I don’t know, whatever you cooked for me I guess”, that’s often not how it works. I always keep a couple a super easy and fast recipes on hand or in my brain to solve the dinner dilemma in 10 minutes flat.

Here’s an “emergency” dinner solution my family absolutely loves. We sometimes even make it in non-emergency situations when we are feeling like a bit of “Mexican”.

Taco Seasoned Beef or Buffalo
1 pound ground grass fed Beef or Buffalo (both work great)
2 Tablespoons Do-it-Yourself Taco Seasoning

Do-it-Yourself Taco Seasoning Recipe (Great to make ahead of time and always keep on hand)
6 Tablespoons Chili Powder
2 Tablespoons Cumin
4 Tablespoon Paprika
3 Tablespoons Onion Powder
1 Tablespoon garlic powder
1 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (this makes it spicy. add more or less depending on how you like it)
(I know there are many stores that even carry ready-made taco seasoning. I have tried a few of these and some are tasty but I still prefer my easy to make, home-made version.)

Sautee the ground beef or buffalo in a large pan. I often don’t even need to add any oil as the natural fats in the meat help it cook without sticking. Make sure to stir and cut up the meat in small pieces with your spatula as it cooks. Once the meat is cooked through, add 2 Tbsp of the above Taco Seasoning (or Taco Seasoning of your choice.)

What can you do with this taco seasoned meat? I love to put it over a large salad of romaine lettuce, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and celery and add salsa on top. My husband loves to put it on Sprouted Grain Tortillas, Spelt Tortillas or Rice Tortillas that we purchase at our local health food store. A good friend of mine uses large leaves of Romaine Lettuce and makes “Lettuce Taco Wraps”. If you have a bit of time, you can even add some fresh guacamole to your salad or wrap.

Oh, and did I mention this taco meat freezes and re-heats really well? You can make a big batch and freeze in smaller containers for later use.

Find More Recipes In The Diet Solution Program.

What To Look For In A Multi-Vitamin

When looking for a high quality multi-vitamin, here are a few points I want you to consider:

1. Is it made from whole foods? Many brands have this written right on the label while some others may take a little bit more research. A good, reputable supplement company should provide not only their ingredients list right on their website, but also a good description of what the source of those vitamins and minerals is.

2. Where are you buying your supplements? Chances are if you’re just picking up any old vitamins and the local grocery store, the employees are definitely not qualified to answer your questions or give you any information on the product. Seek out a local health food store or specialty store that carries health foods and vitamins and chances are the employees will be much more knowledgeable about their products. If this is not possible for you, seek out a company that you can reach via the internet who will answer any of your questions.

3. Read the ingredients list. This is no different than what you do with the food you are eating. If a particular supplement contains “Red No 40″ chances are it’s not exactly the most natural product and not the best quality. Also watch out for hidden sugars (anything ending with -ose like sucrose), soy and hydrogenated oils (Yes! Some multis actually have hydrogenated oils in them).

4. What kind of company is manufacturing the product? I know this may sound like a lot of work and research but lucky for me and you, the power of the internet has made this much easier. Did you know that one very, very popular multivitamin company that is sold in almost every supermarket and pharmacy also owns Sponge Bob Square Pants? Now does that sound like a company that is passionate about their nutrition products? And I easily found this out right on their website.

I highly suggest you do just a little bit of homework before making any multi-vitamin purchase. If you currently are using a product that you know fits the above requirements and you trust, please let me know. I love to hear about and continue to research new products.

As for my own research, the only recommendation I make to my clients and my readers (and my dear old hubbie) is Prograde Nutrition’s Multi Vitamin products, VGF 25+. Not only do they use only the highest quality ingredients in each product but their only focus is nutrition…and nothing else.

They also were more than willing to send me all the information I asked them for (ingredients, ingredient sources and their own research) when I contacted them. Actually, the CEO got back to me personally… I’m not sure if I would have gotten such a response from some of these other “big name” companies.

Prograde’s VGF 25+ also contains whole food ingredients like Kale, Parsley and Spinach. Since pigs may fly sooner than I would ever get my husband to eat kale or spinach, this was a great added benefit for him (and maybe for you too.)

Learn More From Isabel De Los Rios In The Diet Solution Program.

Pick The Right Drink

1. Buy a quality juicer and make your own juice. There are so many different delicious and nutritious juices you can make in a juicer that will give you a super boost of vitamins/minerals and super nutrition. One of my favorite is carrot, apple and ginger. Be careful though! If you’re anything like me and sensitive to too much sugar at once, I would suggest having a serving of 4 oz or less or mixing your 4 oz with some water. I would also suggest juicing primarily vegetables and not as many fruits. This is a great way to get in some serious nutrition without having to eat vegetables all day long (a great option for children). I would also combine your fresh juice with a protein and healthy fat to keep your blood sugar balanced.

It is best to drink freshly made juice right away, as the longer it is stored, the more it will decline in nutrition. You can put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should be a minimum amount of air in the jar as the oxygen in air (air is about 20 percent oxygen) will “oxidize” and damage the juice. Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.

2. Make my favorite “tea juice“. If you haven’t seen this recipe in the Diet Solution Recipe Guide, here it is again:

5-6 bags caffeine-free herbal tea (e.g., peach, mint, chamomile, or fruit tea)
3 quarts boiling water
Stevia powder (or liquid) to taste
Pour water over tea bags in a large pot. Add stevia while tea is hot. (Adjust amount
according to the desired sweetness.)

Let the tea cool, remove tea bags, transfer tea to a serving pitcher or individual water bottles, and refrigerate.

3. Make your own DSP approved lemonade. My business partner loves this and drinks it almost daily (be careful if you’re sensitive to citrus or too much lemon.) Mix the juice from half a lemon, 5 drops of liquid stevia and 12oz of water in a large cup. Add more stevia or lemon based on your taste. This drink is a great alternative to people who need a bit more flavor than plain water all day.

So what did I end up serving my thirsty employee? Water! (And she bought juice when we went out to lunch). Oh well, I tried.

Find more great tips in The Diet Solution Program.

How To Make Lentil Rice Soup

Prep Time: 20 Minutes

Cook Time: 7 Hours
Ready In: 7 Hours 20 Minutes
Servings: 11

2 cups dry lentils
2 cups uncooked long grain brown rice
1 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 onion, chopped
1 cup vegetable broth
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
8 cups water

1. Place the lentils, rice, carrots, celery, onion, water, broth, garlic powder, ground black pepper and salt in a slow cooker.

2. Cover and cook on low setting for 7 to 8 hours. Stir in the mushrooms 1 hour before serving.

Find more recipes like this in The Diet Solution Program

Green Tea - Works Off Your Pounds

Have you tired different weight loss program? Don’t worry! Green tea gives helping hand for you to lose your weight. Chinese discovered this tea and used to treat their headaches, to their depression.

At present there are numerous debates on the green tea weight loss program around this world. This stable of Asian diet consists of compounds that may help to reduce the risk of ulcers, cancer and even heart disease. The presence of flavonoids in the green tea help to change the function of hormone- nor epinephrine that speeds the rate calories are burned.

Even though all the teas (Black tea, Oolong tea and Green tea) consist of large amounts of polyphenols, green tea is particularly rich in a type of polyphenols called catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

EGCG is a potent antioxidant that hampers the growth of carcinogenic cells and even kills them without damaging near by healthy tissue. This type of catechins may dispose the excess body fat and lower cholesterol levels.

Japanese researchers confirm that green tea catechins not only spend the calories and LDL cholesterol reduction but also be able to help in weight loss by reducing body fat. In other words, we can say that green tea helps in the prevention of various lifestyle-related diseases, particularly obesity.

If you use treadmill for burning calories, you can do 150 calories per mile. Now, you can appreciate drinking a glass of green tea before you step into the treadmill and walk one mile to burn the twice- 300 calories!

You may ask, there has got to be a drawback, right? You may get insomnia with green tea, due to the fact that it contains caffeine… but you might be glad to hear that it contains less caffeine that coffee. It is also said to be great for a whole host of ailments that come down and that is all not quite proven as of yet.

After your review, I bet that you may give 3 thumbs up for green tea. I know you’ll be adding this precious beverage to your daily menu not only for reducing the weight but also for other health benefits.

Try a cup of green tea instead of a diet beverage for your perfect weight loss program! Learn more great tips in The Diet Solution Program.